Category: SharePoint

Hide Teams Creation Prompt Using Office365 CLI

If you are the owner to SharePoint modern team site, you should be familiar with the Microsoft Teams creation prompt which shows up in the left bottom corner of the...

Add SPFx WebPart to modern page using PnP PowerShell Cmdlets

You have created a modern team site, and now you are thinking about adding a custom or default webpart then this post should be helpful. Think about something like adding...

SharePoint Online Modern List - Export Selected Items to Excel

It has become a kind of tradition for me to write this component to export selected items to excel, whenever there is new model or approach of development in SharePoint....

Access _spPageContextInfo details in SharePoint Framework

If you are into SharePoint development, then you should be familiar with your best friend _spPageContextInfo which gives you more valuable context based information. You can also access the same...

Add Site Collection Admin to all Communication Sites

If you are already using SharePoint Online Communication sites, would have noticed that its not showing up in the SharePoint admin center to manage or its not listed in Office...

SharePoint Framework: error TS2339: Property items does not exist on type Readonly

When you encounter the below error, while using state object in react based webpart created by yeoman generator.

5 Reasons why you need to still use classic library experience

Here are my five points why I use the classic library experience even in a modern team site, or the site provisioned with office 365 groups.

Modern site page with out fat banner

I’m vivid user of modern teams sites, modern pages and started strongly recommending our clients to use Office 365 groups and modern team sites. I was also looking for some...

Post SharePoint updates to Microsoft Teams using Flow

In this post, we will look into how to post the SharePoint updates to Microsoft Teams using Flow. Currently, Flow works only on the Office 365 platform. For the SharePoint...

Dynamically Changing Content Search/Search Results WebPart's Query template

This is going to be a rather a small post, on how to change the query template for the content search webpart and Search results dynamically through javascript.

Export selected items to excel - Office 365/NodeJS version

Sometime back, I wrote a full trust code to export selected items to excel. It was written in the form of custom action in ribbon and a layouts application page...

Microsoft Flow - pause till date

Let’s create a simple flow for the common scenario we encounter, send a notification on a certain date or wait till some date and perform an action. In SharePoint designer...

The site is not valid. The 'Pages' document library is missing.

Error I got a mail from one of our users, complaining they are not able to access the quick launch in their site and also getting the below error message...

Export Selected Items to Excel release 1.2.0

I have worked on the updates for my component “Selected Items Export to Excel”, most of the issues are mentioned by the users (Thanks for mentioning issues in comments). What’s...

Category: Excel

Export Selected Items to Excel release 1.2.0

I have worked on the updates for my component “Selected Items Export to Excel”, most of the issues are mentioned by the users (Thanks for mentioning issues in comments). What’s...

Category: PowerShell

Download all Microsoft Ignite 2019 slide decks and videos with script

Download Ignite 2019 session presentation slides and videos automatically using PowerShell script from your Mac or PC. Get script from here:

Add SPFx WebPart to modern page using PnP PowerShell Cmdlets

You have created a modern team site, and now you are thinking about adding a custom or default webpart then this post should be helpful. Think about something like adding...

Bulk creation of Publishing Pages using PowerShell CSOM

In this post, we will look how to create publishing pages in bulk using the PowerShell CSOM. A CSV file will be used as an input which holds the meta...

Category: Microsoft Flow

Manage QnA Maker KB from SharePoint with PowerAutomate (Microsoft Flow)

QnAMaker is a cloud API service offered by Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services, which enables you to create a knowledge base(KB) from your existing content such as FAQs, manuals, documents and...

Post SharePoint updates to Microsoft Teams using Flow

In this post, we will look into how to post the SharePoint updates to Microsoft Teams using Flow. Currently, Flow works only on the Office 365 platform. For the SharePoint...

Microsoft Flow - pause till date

Let’s create a simple flow for the common scenario we encounter, send a notification on a certain date or wait till some date and perform an action. In SharePoint designer...

Category: HowTo

Dynamically Changing Content Search/Search Results WebPart's Query template

This is going to be a rather a small post, on how to change the query template for the content search webpart and Search results dynamically through javascript.

Export selected items to excel - Office 365/NodeJS version

Sometime back, I wrote a full trust code to export selected items to excel. It was written in the form of custom action in ribbon and a layouts application page...

Category: Nodejs

Export selected items to excel - Office 365/NodeJS version

Sometime back, I wrote a full trust code to export selected items to excel. It was written in the form of custom action in ribbon and a layouts application page...

Category: Microsoft Teams

Hide Teams Creation Prompt Using Office365 CLI

If you are the owner to SharePoint modern team site, you should be familiar with the Microsoft Teams creation prompt which shows up in the left bottom corner of the...

Post SharePoint updates to Microsoft Teams using Flow

In this post, we will look into how to post the SharePoint updates to Microsoft Teams using Flow. Currently, Flow works only on the Office 365 platform. For the SharePoint...

Category: Web-hooks

Post SharePoint updates to Microsoft Teams using Flow

In this post, we will look into how to post the SharePoint updates to Microsoft Teams using Flow. Currently, Flow works only on the Office 365 platform. For the SharePoint...

Category: Yeoman

SharePoint Framework: error TS2339: Property items does not exist on type Readonly

When you encounter the below error, while using state object in react based webpart created by yeoman generator.

Category: SPFX

SharePoint Online Modern List - Export Selected Items to Excel

It has become a kind of tradition for me to write this component to export selected items to excel, whenever there is new model or approach of development in SharePoint....

Access _spPageContextInfo details in SharePoint Framework

If you are into SharePoint development, then you should be familiar with your best friend _spPageContextInfo which gives you more valuable context based information. You can also access the same...

SharePoint Framework: error TS2339: Property items does not exist on type Readonly

When you encounter the below error, while using state object in react based webpart created by yeoman generator.

Category: Office 365

Add Site Collection Admin to all Communication Sites

If you are already using SharePoint Online Communication sites, would have noticed that its not showing up in the SharePoint admin center to manage or its not listed in Office...

Get-PnPUnifiedGroup - Get all Office 365 Groups in tenant

Run the below script and enter tenant admin credentials when prompted. Here is the complete list of scope and permissions -

Category: Groups

Get-PnPUnifiedGroup - Get all Office 365 Groups in tenant

Run the below script and enter tenant admin credentials when prompted. Here is the complete list of scope and permissions -

Category: Tutorial

Add SPFx WebPart to modern page using PnP PowerShell Cmdlets

You have created a modern team site, and now you are thinking about adding a custom or default webpart then this post should be helpful. Think about something like adding...

Category: Office 365 CLI

Delete multiple Microsoft Teams using script

Lately, I have been working on creating a Teams template using Graph APIs and PnP Tenant template. Quickly, I accumulated a lot of Teams and decided to do a clean-up....

Hide Teams Creation Prompt Using Office365 CLI

If you are the owner to SharePoint modern team site, you should be familiar with the Microsoft Teams creation prompt which shows up in the left bottom corner of the...

Category: Artificial Intelligence

Manage QnA Maker KB from SharePoint with PowerAutomate (Microsoft Flow)

QnAMaker is a cloud API service offered by Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services, which enables you to create a knowledge base(KB) from your existing content such as FAQs, manuals, documents and...

Can Vision AI detect Game of Thrones Coffee Cup

In Game of Thrones, season #8 episode #4 Starbucks coffee cup played a cameo role in the post war feast. I was wondering how someone spotted this, when you are...

Category: GOT

Can Vision AI detect Game of Thrones Coffee Cup

In Game of Thrones, season #8 episode #4 Starbucks coffee cup played a cameo role in the post war feast. I was wondering how someone spotted this, when you are...

Category: Vision API

Auto classify pictures with Microsoft Cognitive Services

Let’s see how to automatically classify an image uploaded to the SharePoint library. We will add tags and descriptions as metadata to any image which is getting uploaded to the...

Can Vision AI detect Game of Thrones Coffee Cup

In Game of Thrones, season #8 episode #4 Starbucks coffee cup played a cameo role in the post war feast. I was wondering how someone spotted this, when you are...

Category: PowerAutomate

Manage QnA Maker KB from SharePoint with PowerAutomate (Microsoft Flow)

QnAMaker is a cloud API service offered by Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services, which enables you to create a knowledge base(KB) from your existing content such as FAQs, manuals, documents and...

Category: QnAMaker

Manage QnA Maker KB from SharePoint with PowerAutomate (Microsoft Flow)

QnAMaker is a cloud API service offered by Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services, which enables you to create a knowledge base(KB) from your existing content such as FAQs, manuals, documents and...

Category: Bot

How to develop Bot in Docker Container with Microsoft Bot Framework

Docker image for developing chat bots using Microsoft Bot Framework v4 SDK. This developer base image for BotBuilder V4 should make life easier to isolate the development environment when you...

Manage QnA Maker KB from SharePoint with PowerAutomate (Microsoft Flow)

QnAMaker is a cloud API service offered by Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services, which enables you to create a knowledge base(KB) from your existing content such as FAQs, manuals, documents and...

Category: AI

Auto classify pictures with Microsoft Cognitive Services

Let’s see how to automatically classify an image uploaded to the SharePoint library. We will add tags and descriptions as metadata to any image which is getting uploaded to the...

Category: Ignite

Download all Microsoft Ignite 2019 slide decks and videos with script

Download Ignite 2019 session presentation slides and videos automatically using PowerShell script from your Mac or PC. Get script from here:

Category: Script

Delete multiple Microsoft Teams using script

Lately, I have been working on creating a Teams template using Graph APIs and PnP Tenant template. Quickly, I accumulated a lot of Teams and decided to do a clean-up....

Download all Microsoft Ignite 2019 slide decks and videos with script

Download Ignite 2019 session presentation slides and videos automatically using PowerShell script from your Mac or PC. Get script from here:

Category: MicrosoftTeams

Delete multiple Microsoft Teams using script

Lately, I have been working on creating a Teams template using Graph APIs and PnP Tenant template. Quickly, I accumulated a lot of Teams and decided to do a clean-up....

Category: PowerShellCore

Delete multiple Microsoft Teams using script

Lately, I have been working on creating a Teams template using Graph APIs and PnP Tenant template. Quickly, I accumulated a lot of Teams and decided to do a clean-up....

Category: Docker

How to develop Bot in Docker Container with Microsoft Bot Framework

Docker image for developing chat bots using Microsoft Bot Framework v4 SDK. This developer base image for BotBuilder V4 should make life easier to isolate the development environment when you...

Category: Container

How to develop Bot in Docker Container with Microsoft Bot Framework

Docker image for developing chat bots using Microsoft Bot Framework v4 SDK. This developer base image for BotBuilder V4 should make life easier to isolate the development environment when you...

Category: Microsoft Bot Framework

How to develop Bot in Docker Container with Microsoft Bot Framework

Docker image for developing chat bots using Microsoft Bot Framework v4 SDK. This developer base image for BotBuilder V4 should make life easier to isolate the development environment when you...

Category: ChatBot

How to develop Bot in Docker Container with Microsoft Bot Framework

Docker image for developing chat bots using Microsoft Bot Framework v4 SDK. This developer base image for BotBuilder V4 should make life easier to isolate the development environment when you...

Category: aws

Using the AWS CDK Custom Resource Provider Framework

“The information provided in this blog post is generated by ChatGPT, a machine learning model trained on a dataset of text. The views and opinions expressed in this post are...

Category: cdk

Using the AWS CDK Custom Resource Provider Framework

“The information provided in this blog post is generated by ChatGPT, a machine learning model trained on a dataset of text. The views and opinions expressed in this post are...

Category: custom resources

Using the AWS CDK Custom Resource Provider Framework

“The information provided in this blog post is generated by ChatGPT, a machine learning model trained on a dataset of text. The views and opinions expressed in this post are...

Category: cloudformation

Using the AWS CDK Custom Resource Provider Framework

“The information provided in this blog post is generated by ChatGPT, a machine learning model trained on a dataset of text. The views and opinions expressed in this post are...